AI4Copernicus 2nd Round Open Calls for Citizens
Deadline: Oct 31, 2021
Received 0 expressions of interest


Public Funding


Project full name: Reinforcing the AI4EU Platform by Advancing Earth Observation Intelligence, Innovation and Adoption
Project acronym: AI4Copernicus
Grant agreement number: 101016798
Total EU funding available: €10 000
Submission & evaluation process: Detailed information about the 2nd AI4Copernicus Open Call for citizen-driven social challenges can be found on
Further information:


AI4Copernicus aims to bridge the gap between AI- & data-driven innovation and providing economic, social & environmental benefits. Towards this aim it will create an open, inclusive and sustainable “AI-EO innovation cycle” via a series of open calls.

Who can apply?
Individuals who are interested in submitting a proposal in specific social themes/social causes. Up to 2 themes/social causes will be funded.

What kind of themes/social causes are we looking for?
AI4Copernicus is looking for citizen-driven social problems/challenges (1st stage) that can be subsequently solved using Artificial Intelligence and Earth Observation Data, by SMEs that will be selected in the 4th Round of AI4Copernicus Open Calls for Use-Cases based on the Citizen-driven Social Themes (2nd stage).

Start a discussion with the space members