The Research and Development Center of the Polish company has developed an innovative rinse water recovery system for use in the installations of swimming pools. It is an economical and ecological system that uses filter tubes that purify the nano- and ultrafiltration spectrum. The filtration system was built from recycled hemodialysis tubes, replacing the filtration membranes used so far. After medical use, the filters are cleaned, sterilized and assembled to purify water under pressure. This technology is an incremental innovation on a global scale. The rinse water recovery system is at the IX level of technological readiness. The technology can be used in real conditions. Tests on the swimming pool installation in the R&D Center have been completed.
The result of the work is to obtain water of appropriate quality from the contaminated washings, which can be recycled. The research team consists of people with extensive experience in the implementation of R&D projects and practical in swimming pool technology. Direct commercialization is planned. The technology has been submitted for patent protection. The technology is part of the region's Smart Specialization - Eco-innovation, as it significantly reduces water and electricity consumption with the use of advanced materials and tools.
For the owner of a public swimming pool, the costs of heat and water are one of the largest costs of maintaining a facility. In some regions of Poland, discharge of water into the sewage system is very expensive, and in some institutions that would like to have such infrastructure, it is even impossible. Similar problems concern the owners of private swimming pools, who, due to infrastructural and environmental reasons, had a limited possibility to build a swimming pool (e.g. due to the lack of access to a sufficient amount of water and the inability to discharge technological sewage). The potential and demand of the swimming pool market is huge, and the chances of implementing the proposed technology (also in existing facilities) in Poland, Europe and the world are unquestionable.
Due to the intensive development of innovative technology on the Polish market, the company is looking for foreign partners who would like to apply this solution in their pools and take advantage of its functionality. The company offers full support for potential partners from design to implementation and technical service of this innovative system.
Advantages & innovations
The implementation of technology in swimming pools will result in significant savings of tap water (up to 96% recovery), will reduce the costs associated with its heating and sewage disposal, without deteriorating the parameters of swimming pool water. In the times of the global crisis related to the access to drinking water, solutions are being sought that would significantly reduce its consumption. The technology was awarded in the local innovation leaders competition and receives very positive reviews from the swimming pool sector.
Stage of development
Already on the market
Partner sought
The technology is aimed at owners of private and public swimming pools (hotels, aquaparks, sanatoriums, spas, holiday centers) who are highly ecologically and economically aware of the need to save water. The company is offering manufacturing agreements in order to expand its range on new markets.